Super E-Book Deals for Wednesday, March 20, 2013

perfectly-dateless-250FREE TODAY –
 Kristin Billerbeck’s, Perfectly Dateless, book one in the My Perfectly Misunderstood Life series is available for free today on Kindle.

Daisy Crispin has 196 days to find the right date for the prom. There’s only one problem–her parents won’t let her date or even talk to a guy on the phone. Oh, and she’s totally invisible at school, has to wear lame homemade clothes, and has no social skills. Okay, so maybe there’s more than one problem. Can she talk her parents into letting her go to the prom? Or will they succeed at their obvious attempt to completely ruin her life?

With hilarious and truthful writing, Kristin Billerbeck uncovers the small–and large–mortifications that teen girls encounter. Readers will fall in love with Daisy’s sharp wit and resourcefulness as she navigates the world of boys, fashion, family, and friendship.

Download your free copy by clicking here.


Book Two: Perfectly Invisible

Book Three: Perfectly Ridiculous

Charity's Gold Rush

FREE TODAY – Charity’s Gold Rush, by Cynthia Hickey is free today for Kindle. This is the first book in a new series entitled, “Strike it Rich in Montana.”

Can a woman find her worth in something other than gold, and can a man learn that some things are out of his control?

CHARITY O’CONNELL receives a minimum of five marriage proposals a day from dirty miners and old men. When her pa drowned after being pinned in the creek by a fallen tree, Charity took up laundering to make ends meet. Especially after her gambling father lost every cent he ever made. Then, she receives a marriage proposal from handsome Gabriel Williams after Charity saves his daughter from being trampled, and Charity believes he’s the answer to her prayer. Now, she can cook and clean for one man and his two children. No more leering glances or ribald comments. GABRIEL WILLIAMS admires her spirit and believes she’s the answer to his prayer.

Gabe and Charity agree to a marriage in name only, although Charity is upset that no man worth his salt wants her for anything more than a bedfellow and when she does find a man she could see herself making a life with, he isn’t interested in anything more than someone to watch his children, and he’s a gambler to boot. By the beginning of the following spring, if both parties are in agreement, they’ll annul the marriage and part ways.

Neither expects love to interfere with their plans or for God to intervene with a plan of His own.

Download your free copy today by clicking here.

exposedFREE TODAY – Ashley Weis’, Exposed: A Novel, is free today for Kindle.

Allyson Graham, marriage counselor and lover of love, lived a life of romance few could imagine. Until her husband’s secret addiction stared at her from the computer screen. Will she be able to forgive the man who lied to her all of those precious years?

Follow her painful story alongside the heartbreaking story of Taylor Adams, a young girl searching for her worth in the world. As Allyson struggles to forgive her husband for lying about his addiction, Taylor naively falls into the same self-destructive industry and discovers that the attention and fun is nothing like she thought it would be.

Discover the hearts of these two women as they search for beauty after the rain.

Download your free copy today by clicking here.

Faith Beyond BeliefFREE TODAY – Joel Dison’s, Faith Beyond Belief, is available for free on Kindle today.

Understanding Faith And God’s Calling Will Help you Unlock Your True Potential We have all experienced the feeling of excitement and enlightenment we get after reading through Paul’s letters and being able to grasp his teachings on faith being all we need for salvation. Then we move on to the book of James and we find our entire understanding on the subject thrown right out the window. The excitement is replaced by confusion and discouragement. The Faith we thought we had, no longer seems good enough to save us. According to James, it sounds as if we need to be saved by works. Do we? What is James speaking about in his letter? Does it contradict the teachings of Paul? Are we saved based on Faith or on Works? Does anyone have the answer that we are searching for?
The Key To Understanding True Faith Is Contained Within The Book Of James James has long been the one book that sparks all the debate on the Faith vs. Works idea. It seems in today’s church, many just ignore the book of James in an attempt to ease the confusion. Yet, ignoring something does not remove the fact that this challenge still exists. At some point, we all have to face the challenge of reading The Book of James It’s time to face that challenge. It’s time to have a guide that can lead you through this book and unlock the secrets that will unleash your true potential as a Christian. A guide that will help you discover God’s calling on your life. A guide that will show you what is true faith.
In Faith Beyond Belief ,Author/Pastor Joel Dison is your guide as he explores the writings of James and reveals key details on many aspects of the book of James.
Download your free copy of this practical book today by clicking here.
deadly aimFREE TODAY – Patricia Rushford’s, Deadly Aimis available for free today for Kindle.
Patricia Rushford kicks off a thrilling new crime series set in the cozy coastal hamlet of Sunset Cove, Oregon. Featuring determined police officer Angel Delaney, the first episode is sure to have armchair sleuths turning the pages as fast as they can to discover whodunit?
When a police shootout results in the death of a 12-year-old boy, Officer Angel Delaney is blamed, convicted, and condemned by the media and the Sunset Cove community before the case even goes to trial.
Angel will have her day in court, but before she has the chance to defend herself, the situation spirals out of control. Key evidence is missing, evidence that could have verified her claim of firing only one shot in self-defense. In short order, the body count rises, and suddenly Angel is a suspect in more than one murder investigation. Heartsick about the young boy’s death, and questioning her judgment as a police officer, Angel joins forces with Detective Callen Riley to fight the mounting charges against her.
Download your free copy today by clicking here.
youth quest study bibleSUPER DEAL – SAVE 86% – ONLY $3.99
Are you looking for a great study Bible for teenagers? The NIV Youth Quest Study Bible: The Question and Answer Bible, is available for just $3.99 for Kindle today.
In the tradition of the bestselling Quest Study Bible comes an edition especially for kids ages 11-14, the NIV Youth Quest Study Bible. With answers to approximately 4,000 questions right next to the passages they are about, this Bible helps middle-schoolers grow deeper in their love for God and the understanding of his Word.
Features include:
* About 4,000 questions and answers about the Bible alongside the text
* Drawings and illustrations show how biblical objects looked
* In-text maps show the locations of specific events
* Book introductions provide the inside scoop on each book
* A subject index shows where to locate topics in the Bible
* Color maps reveal the locations of important places
* Timelines explain how key events unfolded
* A concordance makes verses easy to find
Download your copy today for just $3.99 by clicking here.
answers-to-pastors-faqsSUPER DEAL – ONLY $2.99
There are a lot of pastors who read this blog, so I like to throw great books their way every once in awhile. Warren Wiersbe and Howard Sugden are two pastor’s pastors. They have put together a great little book to encourage people in ministry. Answers to Pastors’ FAQs is available for Kindle for just $2.99.
Imagine what it would be like to have two highly respected pastors agree to help you tackle every tough situation that you and your church will face in the coming years. That is exactly what you have in this one-of-a-kind resource from Dr. Warren Wiersbe and Howard Sugden. Pulled from decades of pastoral experience, Wiersbe and Sugden provide answers that you won’t find in seminaries—answers that both new and experienced pastors need to know to survive and thrive in ministry.
Download your copy today for just $2.99 by clicking here.
room-marvels-novel-james-smith-paperback-cover-artSUPER DEAL – SAVE 90% – ONLY 99 CENTS
James Bryan Smith is a professor of Theology at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. He is someone who is familiar with pain in the Christian life. His book, Room of Marvels, should be a must-read for anyone going through suffering in their walk with Christ. It is available for just 99 cents for Kindle today.
In one tragic blow after another, accomplished Christian writer Tim Hudson lost his mother, his close friend, and his two-year-old daughter. Now he’s on the brink of losing his faith.

Room of Marvels takes readers on a silent spiritual retreat with Tim where he is swept up in a dream vision of heaven and given a guided tour by those he has lost. Reminiscent of the C. S. Lewis classic, The Great Divorce, the book carries a contemporary voice that made Library Journal declare it “a good companion to Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

Remarkably, Room of Marvels mirrors author James Bryan Smith’s own heart-wrenching season of loss when his mother (Wanda), close friend (“Awesome God” singer Rich Mullins), and two-year-old daughter (Madeline) passed away within months of each other.

Updated with a new cover design and epilogue by Smith, the 2007 edition of Room of Marvels will continue to comfort those touched by grief and stir the hunger for heaven in every reader.


“A delightful fantasy.” —Cecil Murphey, coauthor, 90 Minutes in Heaven

“If you’ve ever felt the sting of death from the loss of one you love, Smith’s book will lead you into a warm, inviting room.” —Knight Ridder

“One of those profound, special books that only comes along once in awhile.” —

Download your copy for just 99 cents by clicking here.

 the_naked_gospelSUPER DEAL – SAVE 87% – ONLY $1.99

Dr. Andrew Farley’s, The Naked Gospel: Truth You May Never Hear in Churchis available for the fantastic price of $1.99 today.

I found myself lying on the floor of my apartment, sobbing for hours on end: ‘God, I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do, and I still don’t feel closer to you. In fact, I feel worse than ever! How could this have gone wrong? I can’t see any way out. Help me.’

As a university student, Andrew Farley found himself physically and emotionally addicted to street evangelism and Bible study. Yet despite his fervid behavior, he knew something was missing. That something was an understanding of the gospel that is stripped of the compromises and cliches of the modern church.

The Naked Gospel finds friends among those who are burned out on experience-chasing, ceremonialism, or legalism. It attacks churchy jargon and powerless ideas and puts forth a message that is simple but life-changing. With a fresh take on Scripture and unapologetic style, The Naked Gospel will challenge you and stir you to re-examine everything you thought you already knew.

Check out these reviews of this book:


“How do you know a sailboat is maxed out in the wind? You listen for the hum. This book shows you how to open the sails of your life to the winds of truth, and to max out in God’s Spirit. Read this book and hear the hum.” –Leonard Sweet, best-selling author of Jesus Manifesto and So Beautiful

“If you’re tired of wearing the ‘I’m a super Christian’ mask and are weary and discouraged on the inside, read this book and experience the freedom Jesus brings.” –Mary DeMuth, best-selling author of Daisy Chain and Thin Places

“What a great ‘textbook’ on how to strip away all the religious fakery and take the challenge to just be a normal person while being a healthy Christian.” –Steve Arterburn, best-selling author of Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time

“Our culture screams at us, ‘productivity!’ and often, this mantra gets absorbed and spread by the church. Grace is a word we use often, but rarely understand the depth and true meaning of. In The Naked Gospel, Andrew Farley strips down religion and shows us the faith and freedom God intends for us to have in a fully abundant, radiant life.” –Anne Jackson, best-selling author of Mad Church Disease and Permission to Speak Freely

“The Naked Gospel is an intelligently written book that is thoroughly intriguing. Your church or small group could benefit greatly by its wisdom and concepts. This is a must read!” –Dave Stone, Senior Minister, Southeast Christian Church (12th largest church in America)

“The message that Andrew Farley brings in The Naked Gospel is so necessary for the church today. It is absolutely essential for a fulfilling and genuinely Christ-centered life.” –Dr. John Best, Th.D., Former Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Dallas Theological Seminary

Download your copy of The Naked Gospel for just $1.99 by clicking here.