Super E-Book Deals for January 24, 2013

a good and perfectFREE TODAY – A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations and a Little Girl Named Penny, is the beautiful story of  Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary graduate, Amy Julia Becker’s journey as a new mother to Penny, her first child, a little girl with Down syndrome.

From Amazon – An Honest, Hopeful Look at Unexpected Challenges. Challenging surprises often lead to unexpected joy. Amy Julia opens eyes and softens hearts as she brings readers into her own story of disappointment turned to blessing. This is a journey of discovering strength through weakness, and the author learns to embrace the face that we are all dependent on God and one another. This books will inspire readers who appreciate beautiful writing coupled with deep insights about life and faith.”Amy Julia Becker has the courage and grace to tell the truth. Whether you are a parent or not, whether the children in your life are ‘typical’ or not, this story will shake you, change you, and encourage you.”–Andy Crouch, author, Culture Making

Download your free copy today by clicking here.

safe_imageFREE TODAY – We asked over at our Facebook page yesterday to tell us what some of your favorite types of books, genres, etc. are. Science fiction was one of the choices. So, science fiction fans, here is a new book for you. Michael Bunker’s Futuritywas originally written for his family but is getting rave reviews on Amazon. It’s only been available for a couple of weeks. Here is the description of the book

Evryone wants to travel to the past. Not Malcolm. He wants to go into the future… and he’s just found out that Dr. Paulsen, Professor of Optics at Rochester-Finney University has figured out how to do it.

Download your free copy today by clicking here.

the missionFREE TODAY – Science Fiction fans spoke and we listened! Here is book two in the sci-fi genre that we are promoting today.

Shaun Messick’s, The Missionis book number one in the Worlds Without End series. The story behind this series is as compelling as the books themselves. Messick wrote this book while his daughter was being treated for Leukemia. The idea came to him as he drove from his home in Idaho to Utah for his daughter’s treatments. A portion of the proceeds from the books he sells goes to help children with Leukemia.

Here is the description of this book:

Twenty-three years after the disappearance of the Mars I space shuttle, NASA receives a mysterious transmission from Adrian Palmer, the commander of the mission. Adrian’s brother, Kevin, wastes no time funding the Mars II rescue mission, commanded by Jake Palmer, Adrian’s son. Jake and Dr. Steven “Skip” Hendricks, a NASA physicist, travel through a wormhole that Skip believes was the reason the Mars I crew disappeared. They eventually crash-land on the planet Terrest and are thrust into a dangerous conflict. The native Terrestrians are at war against a super-race of humans called the Gnols, led by Koroan Chast. The Terrestrian’s struggle is futile because of the godlike abilities of the Gnols. Now, the only hope mankind has may rest on a 2000-year-old prophecy discovered in an ancient temple on Terrest. But before the prophecy can come to pass, Adrian and Jake must first stop the Gnols from attacking Earth and enslaving the human race.

Worlds Without End Series . . . The saga of the chosen one. A story that stretches across the galaxy in search of the key that will unleash mankind’s destiny or total annihilation.

  • Book 1: The Mission (Free today)
  • Book 2: Aftermath  – $1.99
  • Book 3: The Prophecy (Summer 2013)
  • Book 4: Redemption (Summer 2014)

Download your free copy today by clicking here.

imperfectFREE TODAY- In the mood for a little suspense? Imperfectly Beautiful,  by Diony George, is a book that will capture your attention from the very beginning.

At 1:30 am, in New York City, Regan Wright is ripped out of a sound sleep with a jolt – her heart thuds in her ears and her face feels flushed. Straining to hear anything out of the ordinary, she fumbles to turn on the bedside lamp. Nothing seems out of place. Suddenly her stomach twists in knots – it’s her identical twin, Rebecca. Something is terribly wrong…

Though twins, Rebecca and Regan couldn’t be more different.

Independent and outspoken, Regan chose a high-profile career as a fashion designer in New York City. Despite her hard-earned success, Regan’s become disillusioned by the glamour and the glitz. She’s tired of coming home to a lonely penthouse apartment welcomed only by her cat and has all but given up on ever finding “Mr. Right.”

Steady and reliable, Rebecca chose to be a wife and stay-at-home mom. From the very first moment she met James Conrad—tall and muscular with eyes as blue as a cloudless sky—she was captivated. Married and four children later, Rebecca’s life is not what she expected. Her marriage has lost its shine and her sweet babies have become challenging and often unappreciative children.

Both Rebecca and Regan must discover, a higher power has the answers to what matters most, but when a serial killer strikes nearby, and his victims look eerily similar to the twins, will it be too late?

Download your free copy today by clicking here.

mortalSUPER DEAL – 80% OFF – ONLY $2.99

New York Times Bestselling Author, Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee’s Mortalis the second book in the excellent The Book of Mortals series.

Centuries have passed since civilization’s brush with apocalypse. The world’s greatest threats have all been silenced. There is no anger, no hatred, no war. There is only perfect peace…and fear. A terrible secret was closely guarded for centuries: every single soul walking the earth, though in appearance totally normal, is actually dead, long ago genetically stripped of true humanity.

Nine years have gone by since an unlikely hero named Rom Sebastian first discovered a secret and consumed an ancient potion of blood to bring himself back to life in Forbidden. Surviving against impossible odds, Rom has gathered a secret faction of followers who have also taken the blood-the first Mortals in a world that is dead.

But The Order has raised an elite army to hunt and crush the living. Division and betrayal threaten to destroy the Mortals from within. The final surviving hope for humanity teeters on the brink of annihilation and no one knows the path to survival.

On the heels of Forbidden comes MORTAL, the second novel in The Books of Mortals saga penned by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee. Set in a terrifying, medieval future, where grim pageantry masks death, this tale of dark desires and staggering stakes peels back the layers of the heart for all who dare take the journey.

The Books of Mortals are three novels, each of which stands on its own, yet all are seamlessly woven into one epic thriller.

Download your copy today for just $2.99 by clicking here.


Book One: Forbidden

Book Three: Sovereign (To Be Released June 18, 2013)

Check out this video for Forbidden:

holtonSUPER DEAL – ONLY 99 CENTS – My friend, Jeff Holton is the pastor of a church in Spring Valley, Wisconsin. For the start of the new year, he wrote a book of 31 short daily devotions. It was a gift to his congregation to get them in the habit of spending a daily quiet time with God. 31 Daily Readings From Outside of the Bubble is a great book for those who feel overwhelmed with spending daily time with God.

This thirty one day devotional is intended to be a resource you can use for the next thirty one days in your quiet time. This devotional will get you into the Bible and speak to your heart about everyday issues.

Download your copy for today for just .99 here.

goalsSUPER DEAL – ONLY $2.99

Warren Peterson is a specialist in training, coaching and developing individuals and organizations. His Success Leaders, LLC has helped numerous people become more effective in what they are seeking to accomplish.

In Successful Goals: Your Guide To Finally Reaching Your Goals, Peterson has written a book that helps take the mystery out of accomplishing the goals in your life. Too many people never achieve their dreams because they don’t know how to make realistic goals.

Peterson’s book is a practical guide to setting and achieving goals that can be read in an hour, but is best read in five sittings. Each chapter includes homework, that if followed will change your life. This is a great book not just for entrepreneurs, but for anyone seeking to make a difference in this world. It would be a great book for parents to go through with their children in order to help set them up for success in their life’s goals. I highly recommend this very practical resource.

Here is Amazon’s description of the book:

There is a system to successful goal setting, there is an exact process you can start using right now to achieve success with your personal or business goals. You can start right now.

In this book, you will learn:

•The exact goal setting process that Warren uses and teaches his private coaching clients.
•How to create goals you will follow through with.
•Why you must have a priority order for your goals.
•What you must do to increase your rate of success.
•What the Power Elements are behind successful goals.
•Why most people fail with their goal programs, and why you won’t!
•What you must do to reach Successful Goals!

Setting and reaching goals isn’t an abstract concept or an idea, rather it is an active strategy that all successful people use. This book teaches you how to use goals, not just how to write them down.

Download your copy for just $2.99 here.